Monday, January 7, 2008

2008: Predictable Resolutions

I think people love the word “resolution” because it actually sounds like you just might do something. Let’s call New Year’s Resolutions what they really are; a list of “who I wish I was but know damn well I won’t be by the end of January.”

This year my resolutions are bullet proof. I have created an impenetrable list of success. For 2008…I lay down my gauntlet.


1 To be a better man.

2 To write my own definition of the word “better”, making the man I currently am good enough.

3 In the event that I fail to live up to the new version of the word “better”, I reserve the right to compare myself to a “lesser” man.

4 If a “lesser” man does not exist, I will redefine the word “lesser”, so that “any” man is someone I can be “better” than.

5 If all resolutions fail to come true, I will live among the animals making me the “only” man and undisputed holder of the “better” man title.

6 Should I be challenged by an “ape-man” of unusual intelligence, I hereby entitle myself to settle all disputes through “opposable thumb wrestling” or a “who doesn’t throw their feces” competition.

7 To come up with at least 7 resolutions.

8 To exceed my expectations.

**All resolutions are subject to revision without notice.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Personally, I decided to be less moderate this year.